White flowers can mean reverence and humility, purity and innocence or sympathy for a bereavement. Depending on the type of blooms chosen by your local florists, a bouquet of white flowers can be bold and brilliant, or gentle and self-effacing. Representing virtue and unity of two people who are committed to each other, white flowers are the perfect way to honour a relationship.
Purple flowers are commonly said to symbolize success and even royalty, though feelings of admiration and tradition may also come through in purple flowers.
Amethyst, the birthstone of February, is a variety of Quartz that carries a spectacular purple colour that ranges from a blend of a gaping violet and red to a lighter lilac hue.
Ancient Greeks believed that the stone protected the wearer from drunkenness and enabled them to keep a balanced mindset. Amethyst complements both warm and cool colours, helping it look fabulous set in both yellow and white metals. This unique ability enhances almost every colour in your wardrobe.
White gold is a mixture of pure yellow gold and other white metals, to give it a brilliant white appearance similar to silver. This is often coated with a metal called Rhodium to strengthen and give it an extra shine and long-lasting quality. Most white gold rings are flash plated with a very, very thin coating of rhodium (a pure white metal) to give them a more brilliant, pure white appearance. This rhodium plating will wear off over time and reveal the white gold ring underneath
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